Corporate Social Responsibility

H1 Systems also considers sustainability and energy efficiency when it designs and implements complex technical solutions.

As a fair and responsible market actor, we support the work of several professional communities, we operate according to our Code of Ethics and we provide opportunity for our employees to share their ideas and proposals.

The safety of our clients is top priority for us, thus, we only recommend to apply tools that meet international security norms and standards.

The health of our employees is also a primary importance for us, therefore, we provide regular medical screening, office massage. Furthermore, each employee can use one day a year paid for charity activities.

We, the leaders and employees of H1 Systems, as significant actors of data center and security technology market, feel responsibility for the conditions of our built and natural environment and our society.

We believe that value creation can be realized by well-balanced, so the requirements of our company’s success go beyond the frames of our projects. We pay outstanding attention to our employees’ health conditions, to support their family life, environmental protection, to help people in need, to respect each other.

Environmental protection                                    

emas_08Within the frames of our ISO 14001 KIR system we defined and monitor the environmental effects of our activities, we attempt to reduce our environmental impact continuously.

For our clients we work-out energy rationalization proposals, risk reports and energy audits, we permanently monitor the ecologic footprint of the facilities we operate.

In our daily work we also pay attention to limited paper usage, recycling, aware usage of power and water when handling hazardous waste.

In accordance with our values, in the focus of our activities is our client. We strive to assess and understand the customer needs and provide the best solutions in each case. We enforce the customer needs not only in our work but also in the work with our sub-contractors.

Képtalálat a következőre: „mikulásgyár logo”

Our company, to its economic capacity, has always respected goodwill activities and charitable donation. In 2016 we supported „Mikulásgyár” (Santa Claus Factory), in 2015 the charity activity of the hospital Vaszari Kolos of Esztergom, Hungary.